Sunday, August 05, 2012


We have had a lovely summer. Minnesotans are not at all used to or enamored of the heat, and June and July have have been unusually warm here. I grew up in Southern Illinois and Nebraska, however, and embrace these hot summer days as though I am revisiting my childhood. My favorite activity has been swimming in the outdoor pool at the "Y". Gliding through the water with the sun beating down and the screams of children, (who are finally being allowed to use their "outside voices") echoing off the water is pure bliss.

We attended a Hussmann family reunion in Nashville, TN in July which was great fun, but for the most part this has been a lazy summer. That has been fine with me. Waking up in the morning with an unscheduled day is a win in my book. I call them my "pure" days (purely mine to do with as I wish). I raised eight children, so up until this period in my life there have been very few "pure" days.

Not that I did not love that busy season of life. I did. It's just that now I like this. I chose what to do with my day as it happens. Some days I just put myself at God's disposal and say, "Surprise me." Those days are filled with anticipation and awareness. I have to be alert to every encounter in case I might miss my surprise, and I don't want to miss it.

Actually, now that I think about it, that can be my attitude every day. Tomorrow is one of my "pure" days.  I think I'll see how God chooses to fill it. I'm excited already!

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